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A.I. du Pont - Home of the Tigers

Welcome to Alexis I. du Pont High School's Athletics page: Your one stop shop for all things Tigers Sports!
We hope that you find this site as user friendly and informative as we do.
The tabs on the left side of the screen include information on How to Register for a Sport, our school's Wellness Center, and get involved with Tiger Boosters.
Additionally, each sport has its own page organized by season that includes
Schedules, Rosters, Coaches Contacts, and Team Information.
Our Athletic Calendar can be accessed above, as well as information regarding Standings and State Tournaments.
To receive alerts about contest changes, please consider signing up using the link on the right side of the page.
If you have any questions, or need help navigating this site, please do not hesitate to reach out.



Honor Roll and Distinguished Honors List (Winter)

Distinguished Honor Roll
Aniyah Brooks
Sebastien Carrero-Jones
Brian Falconi
Kaisan Hale
Weralyn Martinez Volquez
Esmarlin Nunez Hernandez
Gionna Pagan
Elilah Vega

Honor Roll
Kenya Alonso-Vergara
Ashley Arias
Rodrigo Castillo-Llatas
Quadir Clark
Gi'lyl Conrad
Cyncere Davis
Haylie Drabold
Malachai Finkelstein-Wolfe
Riley Gilpin
Fidel Gomez-Arreola
Ismarie Gonzalez Bencon
Misael Gonzalez Bencon
Zaelys Gonzalez Bencon
Juan Gordillo
David Green
Jayla Grimes
Jayvon Harper
Charliegh Meades
Angel Navarrete Abonce
Hamir Parker
Daniel Pryce
Maxwell Pryce
Samuel Quinn
Julian Radano
Fernando Ramirez-Tenorio
Amir Robertson
Olivia Secor Laila Selby-Blaylock
Jaylen Thomas-Owens
Joeslin Urbina-Bustamente
Carl Walcott
Matthew Wilson


Winter Gear Order - CLOSES JANUARY 2ND



Honor Roll and Distinguished Honors List (Fall)

Distinguished Honors

Yeriel Torres
Virginia Wilkins
Malachai Finkelstein-Wolfe
Sebastien Carrero-Jones
Matthew Wilson

Honor Roll

Kaisan Hale
Julian Radano
Gaberiel Vialva
Carl Walcott
James Wessells
Raul Arellano-Vergara
Quadir Clark
Angel Colon
Sabrina Del Rosario Davila
Weralyn Martinez Volquez
Charliegh Meades
Antonio Rivera
Olivia Secor
Isabella Lemon
Dominic Marcocci
Terrell Mensah
Enrique Olmos-Juarez
Fernando Ramirez-Tenorio
Amauris Ramos-Cuello
Favor Umar
Anthony Vasquez-Lopez
Luke Wawrzynski
Michael Barron
Riley Gilpin
Dante Immediato
Amr Mohamed
Hamir Parker
Maxwell Pryce
Samuel Quinn
Erik Villalobos-Paramo

A.I. du Pont Tiger Team Store

Get the latest Tiger Pride Gear now!!!


Picture Day Flyer

A.I. du Pont - Athletic Recognition 2023-24


Terrell Lewis- 2nd Team All-District 1A (Offensive Guard and Linebacker)
Jaheem Stallings- 2nd Team All-District 1A (Defensive Back), Honorable Mention All-District 1A (Quarterback)
Yazeed Miller-Nichols- Honorable Mention All-District 1A (Offensive Tackle)

Cross Country
Camerin Williams- 1st Team All-Conference, Division II State Champion
Marco Genovesio- 2nd Team All-Conference

Field Hockey
Maliyany Garcia_Reyes- 1st Team All-Conference (Forward)
Da'Naisha Holden- 2nd Team All_Conference (Defense)
Victoria Mancini- Honorable Mention All-Conference (Goalie)

Boys Soccer
Anthony Vasquez-Lopez- 2nd Team All-Conference (Midfield)
Caleb Breeding- 2nd Team All-Conference (Defense)
Luke Wawrzynski- Honorable Mention All-Conference (Goalie)

Girls Volleyball
Taylor Bennett- Honorable Mention All-Conference (Libero)


Xavier Ramos- 2nd Team All-Conference (113), State Qualifier
Conrad Murphy- Honorable Mention All-Conference (144), State Qualifier, Academic All-State
Caleb Breeding- Honorable Mention All-Conference (157), State Qualifier
Terrell Lewis- 2nd Team All-Conference (190), State Qualifier
Alec Vernot- Academic All-State
Adrian Santiago- Academic All-State
Fernando Ramirez-Tenorio- Academic All-State
Hamir Parker- Academic All-State
Maxwell Pryce- Academic All-State

Girls Basketball
Sydney Hilliard- 1st Team All-Conference, 2nd Team All-State
Ny'Aijah Jackson- 2nd Team All-Conference, Honorable Mention All-State
Amanii Brice- 2nd Team All-Conference
Jourdyn Henderson- Honorable Mention All-Conference

Boys Basketball
Makail Dennis- Honorable Mention All-Conference

Kai Celestine- Honorable Mention All-Conference
Roxana Fuentes-Colin- 2nd Team All-Conference



Boys Lacrosse

Girls Lacrosse
Tichanda Clarke- Honorable Mention All-Conference

Girls Soccer
Maliyany Garcia-Reyes- 1st Team All-Conference
Alexandra Figueroa- 2nd Team All-Conference
Te'Miyah Taylor- 2nd Team All-Conference 
Victoria Mancini- 2nd Team All-Conference
Olivia Secor- Honorable Mention All-Conference

Track & Field
Jakayla Lawton- Honorable Mention All-Conference (High Jump)
Camerin Williams- 1st Team All-Conference (800 Meter Dash), Honorable Mention All-Conference (400 Meter Dash), 
Dante Immediato- 1st Team All-Conference (Pole Vault)
John Yevonishon- Honorable Mention All-Conference (Pole Vault)

Boys Volleyball
Jeremiah Bowers- 2nd Team All-Conference
John Hernandez- Honorable Mention All-Conference


Sports Physicals for the 2024-25 School Year

Please use the link below to access the DIAA Sports Physical form for the 2024-25 school year

2024-25 DIAA Sports Physical Form

Any physical that is completed on or after April 1, 2024 will be valid for the the entire 2024-25 sports seasons. You must have a fully completed physical on file with Mr. Hidalgo in order to try out, practice, or participate in any sports!!!


Ticket Spicket

Hello Tigers,
During this winter sports season, we will be piloting a new format for our ticket sales. All tickets will be available to purchase ONLINE ONLY through Ticket Spicket. This change will only affect ticketing for the Tip-Off Tournament and all Boys Basketball games to start. Tickets are available to purchase up until 2:30pm on game days. Please reference the resources about online ticketing that I have linked below:
If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at regan.hidalgo@redclay.k12.de.us. Thank you in advance for your flexibility as we are making these changes!
- Regan Hidalgo, Athletic Director

Athletes of the Month

To Be Announced